Common Bacteria and Viruses which Hygienic Chemical Free Cleaning can Mitigate

Since “clean” now goes beyond simply removing dirt, it is critical that cleaning business owners and technicians know what they are really getting into. And this means a mini-biology lesson. In Chapter One: Of Men and Microbes of Modern Cleaning: The Evolution of Chemical Free Cleaning, the authors do just that—give a little biology review of [...]

Bed Bugs Are Back…

I’m sure most of you have heard the phrase “don’t let the bed bugs bite.” Bedbugs (Hemiptera Cimicidae) were a common problem prior to World War II and the widespread use of high residual pesticides such as DDT made them extinct in North America.  Now after a 50-year absence these unpleasant pests have made a comeback. [...]

By |2017-08-27T21:26:40+00:00November 16th, 2011|Cleaning Biology, Healthy Cleaning, Hygienic Cleaning|

Science Class Complaints: when am I ever going to use this stuff?

As our friend Janice Stewart (owner of Castle Keepers of Charleston) is packing up to head to the CIRI Conference in Atlanta, we thought it fitting to remind you of why you had to take all of those science and chemistry classes from high school and college and especially how that knowledge is part of [...]

Nurses who breathe in cleaning chemicals are more likely to get asthma: Nurses who are exposed to cleaning products, antiseptics and disinfectants in hospitals are 70 per cent more likely to be

By Rebecca Smith, Medical Editor 3:16PM GMT 19 Jan 2009 Researchers in America found chemicals in wards run by nurses which could irritate the lungs including cleansers and antiseptics used on patients' skin, chemicals used in the sterilisation of equipment and all purpose cleaners such as bleach. Using powdered latex gloves, before they were phased [...]

Commentary: Killing Germs with Electrical Fields – Using Irreversible Electroporation (IRE) Rather Than Toxic Chemicals?

By Allen P. Rathey Can you zap germs with a safe, controlled charge of electricity and kill them without using harsh chemicals? One company, Activeion Cleaning Solutions LLC (Minneapolis MN) says you can by a process called electroporation, which the company claims its activated water sprayer uses to kill 99.9% of germs to a sanitizing level using only tap water. [...]

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